These are the parts made by the manufacturer of your vehicle. OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer.
These are often referred to as used parts as they come from salvaged vehicles. Salvage yards buy vehicles which have been severely damaged. They then inspect the vehicle for usable parts and remove and clean them. LKQ stands for Like Kind and Quality.
These are parts not made by the manufacturer of your vehicle. They are less expensive then OEM parts but may not have the same fit and functionality for your specific vehicle. That is why you need a quality auto technician who knows what will work well with your vehicle.
This is just another name for aftermarket parts. QRP stands for Quality Replacement Parts.
More often than not, you will notice something wrong with your vehicle before it breaks down and you need to bring it in. The rattle is one of the most common indicators that there is something in your car that needs fixing.
Accelerating – If the rattle comes from under your vehicle when accelerating, then the problem is usually when the muffler is burnt out or damaged. Although, it can also be when a hanger or something is loose in your car. If the heat shield or other parts are no longer connected properly then you may hear a rattle.
Driving - If the rattle happens during driving then we must know if it comes from under the vehicle or from the engine. If it is underneath then it is probably worn or damaged tie rod ends. If it is coming from the engine then it is probably loose steering gear mounting bolts.
Changing Gears – If you hear the rattle while changing gears then it should be an issue with or around the u-joint. The U-joint, or universal joint, is a critical component and a suspected problem should be checked out right away.
Idling Engine – Your vehicle isn’t going anywhere but it’s making a strange rattle from the engine. Most likely, this is because there is a problem with armature or bearings of the alternator.
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